Hitoshi KIYA, Dr. Eng
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Senior Leading Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Visiting Professor, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
Visiting Professor, Monash University Malaysia6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino-shi, Tokyo, 191–0065
E-mail: kiya[at]tmu.ac.jp, kiya[at]ieee.org
Websites: Google Scholar Citations, LinkedIn, ResearchGateMajor Research Areas:
- Signal Processing
- Computer Vision
- Image and Video Coding and Communications
- Multimedia Forensics and Security
- Deep Learning
Academic Society Memberships:
- The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Fellow Member
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Life Fellow Member
- Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA), Life Member, President (2019-2020)
- The European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), Member
- The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ITE), Fellow Member
- Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), Fellow Member
Dr. Hitoshi Kiya is a Professor Emeritus and Leading Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University. He is also a Visiting Professor at National Institute of Informatics (NII) and Monash University Malaysia, and he was a Professor of the Department of Computer Science at Tokyo Metropolitan University. He also served as the Chair of the Department of Computer Science, and as an Associate Dean of the Faculty of System Design. He received his B.E and M.E. degrees from Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan, in 1980 and 1982, respectively, and his Dr. Eng. degree from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1987. In 1982, he joined Tokyo Metropolitan University as an Assistant Professor, where he became a Full Professor in 2000. From 1995 to 1996, he attended the University of Sydney, NSW, Australia as a Visiting Fellow.
His research interests are in the areas of signal processing, computer vision, and multimedia forensics and security. He was a recipient of numerous awards, including 12 Best Paper Awards. Dr. Kiya was the President of APSIPA (2019-2020), the Regional Director-at-Large for Region 10 of IEEE Signal Processing Society (2016-2017), the Japan Chapter Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society (2013), the President of IEICE Engineering Sciences (ES) Society (2011), and the Editor-in-Chief for IEICE ES Society Publications (2012). He also served for IEEE Fourier Award Committee and IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Committee. He has been an Editorial Board Member of eight journals, including IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, and IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security. He has organized a lot of international conferences in such roles as the TPC Chair of IEEE ICASSP 2012 and as the General Co-Chair of IEEE ISCAS 2019. He is a Fellow of IEEE, IEICE, ITE, AAIA, and a member of EURASIP and APSIPA.
Selected Professional Activities, Honors, and Awards
- Visiting Professor, Monash University Malaysia (2024)
- Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Metropolitan University (April 2023)
- Senior Leading Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University (April 2023)
- Life Fellow, IEEE (January 2023)
- Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)(June 2022)
- IEEE Fourier Award Committee (2021)
- Visiting Professor, National Institute of Informatics (2021)
- IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Committee (2020)
- President, APSIPA (2019-2020)
- General Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), Macao (2020)
- General Co-Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan (2019)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (March 2018)
- Adjunct Professor, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand (March 2017)
- Fellow, IEEE (January 2016)
- Regional Director-at-Large for Region 10, IEEE Signal Processing Society (elected Sep. 2015)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (December 2013)
- Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society (elected Oct. 2013)
- Chair, IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter (January 2013)
- Editor-in-Chief, IEICE ES Society Publications (including four journals)(2012)
- Best Paper Award, ITE Niwa-Takayanagi Award (March, 2012)
- Technical Program Chair, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan (2012)
- Vice President-second term, APSIPA (October 2011)
- Editorial Board Member, APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (October 2011)
- President, IEICE ES society (May 2011)
- Fellow, ITE (May 2011)
- Foundation Award, Telecommunications Advancement Foundation-TELECOM System Technology Award (May 2011)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (December 2010)
- Board of Governors, IEICE (elected May 2010)
- Vice President-Technical Activities, APSIPA (October 2009)
- Fellow, IEICE (September 2009)
- Vice President, IEICE ES society (May 2008)
- Editor-in-Chief, IEICE Fundamentals Review (May 2008)
- Best Paper Award, IEICE (May 2008)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing (January 1998)